WOOOO........ ghostly mi...... heehee had a busy dae frm 9.30am.... n i'm so damn blur my time-ing all mixed up, until 3.30 i finish my stuff n went for flora facial..... wooooo shiok lah ! but dunoe y the mask on my lip oso ha !
was out on mondae !! met dia-dia in town wif glenn ! went shopping, sent glenn hm then to bugis, we both shop till the shops close! then dwn to melody...erm i tink the place is col melody hee....
sooooo long never see my tiff darling, miss her lah....of coz pics!! tiff still same so skinny, hair sooooo long, great singing!
oooppppps!!!! 4get to rotate the pic but nvm lah, my tiff darling any angle oso sweee de !!!
while waiting for desni, i & mark play bluff wif dice, play till drank half bot le, till desni cum mark say play bluff but wif cards, arrrr ok so we play, n desni veri funni !!! she kip forgetting to put dwn correct num of cards, i luff all the way tat nite
see desni - she's the gamble queen of the nite, she kena caught bluff n took all the cards on the table, n her hand too small fo so mani cards!!! see her ring soooo bling ! hahaha when is the nxt nite out???
a pic wif desni after soooo long! she din put on much weight n still so fair, we had our fair share of gossipping tat nite too , hee! omg see my face drink till so red, lucky nt drunk !
and of coz mark & joe, brothers, ha even wif them oso can gossip alot de! it was 1 merry drinking nite though we were there for oni 4 hrs, shld go dwn there again n saw mani frends too ! melody i'm cuming !!!!!!!!!